Every year, on March 17, the people of Ireland celebrate with a festival to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Saint Patricks Day – Ireland’s National Day is a day when people honor the long-standing cultural beauty here. So, do you know anything about Saint Patricks Day? Let’s learn about this national holiday with Happyinktee through the article below.
1. Who is Saint Patrick?

St. Patrick (385-461, Patricius Magonus Sucatus) was a Roman-British missionary of the Roman Catholic Church. At the age of 16, while living in Wales, he was enslaved by pirates and sold to a landowner in Ireland. During his arrest, his spirit changed completely. He began his studies as a priest and was ordained by Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre. Then, at the age of 43, he has ordained a bishop.
During his 40 years of preaching and conversion, he performed many miracles and wrote Confessio about his love for God. He died in 461 in Saul, County Dow, Ireland, where he built his first church.
2. How did Ireland’s National Day originate?
Ireland’s Independence Day or Saint Patricks Day (Irish: Leaves Fhéile Pádraig) is a religious holiday, celebrated worldwide on 17 March. St Patrick’s dedication is honored by the people of Ireland and recognized by the Church. . He was canonized and Ireland chose the date of his death – March 17 – as a national holiday: Saint Patricks Day.
This day is celebrated by people of Irish descent in Ireland and several other countries around the world. This day is both religious and secular, a festival for the Irish spirit. In the dioceses of Ireland and other countries, this is a solemnity and attendance is mandatory.
3. Why is there a green dye campaign on Saint Patricks Day?
Originally, the color associated with Saint Patrick was navy blue. But over time, green gradually became more prevalent. He is known to have used the green shamrock to explain the Trinity. That led to the popularity of the selection of costumes and display objects. Green became famous and appeared everywhere on Ireland Day. For Irish people, green also represents national love or religious beliefs.
Green also became the symbolic color for the Emerald island. The phrase “wearing of the green” became very popular in the Irish language, expressing the Irish spirit. Since 2010, “Operation Dye Ireland” has become a global campaign. Accordingly, famous landmarks in the world are “dyed green” to celebrate Saint Patricks Day.

4. Saint Patricks Day and the Mysterious Legend of the Three Leaf Clover
There are many legends associated with Saint Patrick. One of them is Saint Patrick who has the ability to bring the dead back to life. The greatest code is when he preached atop a hill, reciting a Christian curse. This caused all venomous snakes to be driven out of Ireland and died at sea. It can be said that the snake is a metaphor for the heretics that Saint Patrick removed from Ireland.
It is said that he used the shamrock clover growing on Irish soil to explain to the people the doctrine of “The Trinity” in Christianity in the 5th century. He used images. in his sermons to describe how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can exist as separate, equal parts in the character and power of the same entity.
To this day, every year on Saint Patricks Day, the Irish community still often wears green clothes with the shape of a three-leaf clover to commemorate this legend. This three-leaf clover has also become a symbol of the faith, hope, and growth of Ireland. Three-leaf clover is a genus of the legume family, has a soft stem, lives a year or a perennial, and has 3 leaves (very rare plants have 5 or 7 leaves), especially the 4-leaf clover is considered a symbol of good luck.
From this legend, on the day of the festival, everything on the streets and street corners seems to be dyed blue. From people to objects, food… all of them put on a blue outfit. Some people even decorate their faces, clothes, and objects with clover, some choose for themselves a mischievous elf hat, or in some places, people even feel a river. Memorials and even the ski area turn blue to celebrate the occasion.
5. What activities take place on Saint Patricks Day?
Saint Patricks Day is sacred and Ireland’s largest cultural festival. People will stop all work and enjoy the festive atmosphere together. Offices, schools… are all closed on this day so that no one misses the important national holiday. Saint Patricks Day was officially recognized as a national holiday around the 17th century. Gradually, it became a typical holiday for Irish communities around the world.
On holidays, everything is dressed in traditional Irish green: the streets and corners, the architecture, the food, and the drinks. People also decorate clover on their faces, clothes, and objects. They choose elaborate costumes but the prerequisite must be green.
In some places, people even dye a river and a memorial green. Even the ski area turns green to celebrate this solemn occasion. The focal point of the festival is a grand parade with the participation of a large number of people. Everyone dressed up as various characters in colorful costumes. Then they eat traditional food together, drink beer and enjoy music.

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4-leaf clover – a symbol of good luck on saint patricks day.
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Happy st patrick’s day 2023 with a four-leaf clover t-shirt.

You can read more at >> What is Saint Patricks day: Legend and origin of a national day
Saint Patricks Day is a national festival in Ireland. On this day, everyone stops all work and enjoys the jubilant atmosphere of the festival together. Hospitals, banks, schools… all close their doors to welcome the festival. Saint Patricks Day was officially declared a national holiday around the 17th century and gradually became a cultural holiday for Irish people.