11 Daily Activities To Take Care Of Your Mental Health

take care of your mental health

Not only do you need a healthy body, but paying attention to refresh your spirit and take care of your mental health is also an important factor for you to work effectively every day and improve your quality of life.

Pressure from problems in life and work makes us easily fall into a state of stress, fatigue, and exhaustion, which leads to many serious psychological consequences. Therefore, building good habits and healthy hobbies is the way for us to have a positive, energetic life. Did you know that just taking a few simple actions every day can take care of your mental health? Let’s have Happyinktee show you 11 daily activities to take care of your mental health.

take care of your mental health

1. Stop Using The Alarm Delay Button

The habit of delaying the alarm every morning is one of the causes that reduces sleep quality, and disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, making us feel tired and sluggish throughout the day. 7-8 hours of sleep for adults every night. When sleeping, our brain will go through 4-6 cycles, each cycle lasting about 90 minutes.

Using the snooze button means we are forcing our brain to reset a new cycle that cannot be completed because the snooze button only works for 10 minutes. Therefore, instead of setting multiple alarms to save a few minutes of sleep every morning, try to set the alarm at a certain time and practice the habit of waking up on time to be mentally alert and work efficiently.

2. Open The Curtain When You Wake Up

Every morning when you wake up, open the curtains to let sunlight shine into your room to feel the energy of a new day. Just a few minutes of exposure to morning sunlight will bring many health benefits, both helping the body synthesize vitamin D and having a dispelling effect, tired, helps you feel cheerful and happy.

3. Use Scented Candles

Not only are they used to decorate your room, but scented candles also bring a feeling of relaxation and relief after a long and tiring day. The gentle light combined with the gentle scent emanating from the candle helps your mind relax, and reduce stress and anxiety, from there, you will concentrate more when working. Besides, scented candles also make your room warm, dispel the cold feeling, and help you have a deep and comfortable sleep at night.

4. Grow Indoor Plants

Trees not only help our eyes relax when we have to work a lot in front of a computer screen, but also have the effect of purifying the air, preventing radiation from electronic devices, relieving stress, eliminating stress relief fatigue, and bringing us more joy in life. Besides, many studies also prove that working near trees helps improve memory, and concentration and take care of your mental health, thereby improving work performance.

5. Apply A Mask: Ways to take care of your mental health

Choosing a mask and playing your favorite music to enjoy a peaceful evening after a long day of studying and working is definitely what we women love the most. Applying a mask not only helps you have beautiful and healthy skin but also is a time for you to relax and forget all the worries and stress of the day. No matter how busy you are, take 1-2 evenings a week to reward yourself.

6. Replace Coffee With Tea

Although we often drink coffee to have the energy to work effectively, tea also brings many benefits to human health. With less caffeine than coffee and rich in antioxidants, tea not only helps us stay alert, improve sleep quality, and increase concentration but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. , cancer. Drinking tea every day will stimulate the body to produce the happy hormone dopamine, which helps dispel stress, giving us a happy mood and refreshing spirit.

7. Show Gratitude

Many studies have shown the positive effects of gratitude on people’s physical and mental health. Expressing gratitude helps you feel the meaning of life, and find joy in the smallest things so that you can learn to love and appreciate yourself. Write down the things you are grateful for every day or simply think about them to reduce negative thoughts, help your mind feel at ease, and have the energy to overcome all difficulties in life.

8. Massage

Surely you have heard of the many “golden” benefits of massage for your body and mental health. Not only does it detoxify the body, avoid pain, and increase blood circulation, massage therapy also helps relieve stress and fatigue, reduces the risk of depression, and gives you a good night’s sleep. Sleep well and have a happy spirit, full of energy to receive good things from life.

9. Dance Practice

Turning on your favorite music and dancing to it is an effective way to reduce stress and the best way to take care of your mental health because your body will be stimulated to produce the happy hormone serotonin, giving you a feeling of joy and positive energy. When practicing dancing, you need to remember the dance moves and body movements. This helps improve brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in old age.

10. Eat Healthy

Our bodies always need to be provided with adequate nutrients to develop and work effectively. Therefore, we need to build a healthy diet to supplement protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial to the body and limit fast food and greasy foods to maintain muscle always healthy and full of energy.

11. Choosing The Best Gift For Yourself

Classic Winnie The Pooh Quote Poster

Classic Winnie The Pooh Quote Poster

Just need some meaningful take care of your mental health quotes and raise your positive spirits.


Peppa Pig Family Friends T-Shirt

Be a friend and help people who are being stressed with this spiritual gift.


Peppa Pig Family Friends T Shirt 3


The process of improving and taking care of mental health is long-term and requires perseverance. Above are the 10 best and most effective activities to take care of your mental health. Please choose the appropriate method and apply it immediately.
