Over time, the Halloween festival has been introduced to many different countries, but each country has transformed it to have its own Halloween holiday. To this day, this festival has become popular with many countries around the world.

Halloween festival in Mexico
Halloween has been a worldwide festival. However, the Halloween festival in each country will have a unique color and style. Halloween is known as the holiday of the dead worldwide, and no country has a more epic ghost festival than Mexico. Halloween in Mexico is known as Dia de los Muertos, and it is impossible not to mention costumes, food, etc., which are indispensable partsf this festive season. In Mexico, the Halloween festival also has its own unique characteristics.
The Halloween festival in most countries around the world is only held on October 31 every year. However, in Mexico, the Halloween festival is Da de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. This festival is much more spectacular than Halloween in other places and usually takes place from October 31 to November 2 every year. Mexican Halloween is celebrated on the night before All Saints’ Day, a Catholic holiday commemorating saints and martyrs. Next is All Souls’ Day on November 2.
Halloween festival in Ireland
Ireland is known as the birthplace of the Halloween festival, the way Halloween is celebrated in this country is the same as in America. On this day, children dress up in all kinds of costumes and spend the whole night playing “trick or treat” with their neighbors. After trick or treating, most people go to a party with their neighbors and friends. At the party, they will play games, such as “eating apples” – a game where apples are placed in water bowls or hung on trees, and players will try to bite those apples. People in Ireland also often play cards. The cards are spread out on the table with candy and coins hidden underneath each card.
When kids pick a card, they get whatever prize is hidden underneath. A popular traditional dish on Halloween is barnbrack. It is also a dish that everyone is eagerly waiting for, not only because of its delicious taste but also because of the funny surprises hidden inside. If you see a bracelet, it means that the person who eats the cake is about to find a lover, and if it is a straw, it means that a prosperous year awaits that person. The children also often play some “magic tricks” with neighboring families, such as “knock a dolly”.
Halloween festival in America
Halloween celebration in America is most warmly welcomed by children, but it is not just for them. Of course, it is natural for children to be taken by their parents and siblings to ask for candy on the evening of October 31, but adults from 18 to 24 often hold parties or go to costume parties on the last night of October.
Several people between the ages of 25 and 44 take their children to ask for candy or at home trim pumpkins into the shape of a smiling face, which Americans call a Jack-O’Lantern. And most people over 45 years old stay home to hand out candy when children knock on the door asking for it. Halloween is the second largest decorated and celebrated holiday among winter festivals in America. Americans spend a lot of money and on average in recent years, retailers have grossed a total of over $40 million for the entire holiday season.
In the United States, housewives have been taking out this pumpkin, cutting it out, and carving human faces on it for hundreds of years. According to Irish legend, there once was a guy nicknamed Jack Ha Tien. One day this guy Jack invited the devil out for a drink. But Jack didn’t want to pay for the wine, so he persuaded the demon to turn himself into money so that Jack could cheaply buy wine and drink for fun.
When the demon heard the ear change into a coin, Jack immediately picked it up and put it in his pocket, which contained a silver cross, making it impossible for the demon to return to its original demon form. But then Jack freed the devil with the condition that the devil would not harass Jack for a year, and if Jack died, the devil would not be allowed to collect Jack’s soul.

Halloween festival in England
The night of October 31 is the Halloween festival, which is considered the scariest day of the year in Western countries. The festival has existed for a long time, in the traditions and rituals of the ancient Celts in the ancient lands of England, Ireland, and Northern France.
This year Halloween falls on the weekend, the night of October 31, so in London, England, the land where this festival is known, there will be many places holding unique programs. British people, especially in London, celebrated Halloween by burning a figure of Guy Fawkes – the man who intended to blow up the Council building in London in an attempt to kill the king. In rural areas, they celebrate this festival by throwing stones and vegetables into the fire to ward off evil spirits. Many families also hang carved sugar beets in front of their houses to protect their families and children will play “Trick or Treat”.

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In each country, Halloween is celebrated with its own characteristics but still imbued with the spirit of the Celtic festival. With this article from Happyinktee, we hope to help you choose a country location to participate in a spooky moon festival with your family.